Tuesday, 5 May 2015

He Who Has Ears Let Them Hear Pt7

Hello beloveth,
In my troubled mind I just thought of corruption in our environment and how it has continually eaten up our day to day dealings.

Firstly I will like to hit the nail on the head by saying that it is in the human nature to be corrupt just as it is to gossip,  back bite, hate, love and so on, if only we can accept that; then that's the approach to a better you and me.
Let he who thinks he is not corrupt step out in the open and say if he has never cheated on his partner, deprived another, collected another's bride, lied to cover situations, oppressed his worker, abused the underprivileged,  chanced his younger ones and all other bad actions, if you have never wronged a soul or ever sinned then obviously you are not a normal being.
A lot misunderstand what corruption is, it is not only the stealing of money but also the hurt we cause others and fail to acknowledge them because of our selfish reasons or superiority measures. religious leaders are not left out on this because they are of the flesh too is why we have religious disputes. Let me shed more light from my own point of view!!!
Corruption is powered by different factors and comes in different manners of behaviour;  directly or indirectly one can be a victim of a particular factor and stand against the other due to our school of thoughts, be it as it may the legal term for all of our bad actions is CORRUPTION.
Explain to me why a religious leader will be acquiring wealth yet having followers who are struggling to survive,  my observation is leaders make laws to suit their selfish reasons, but if for instance leaders are to work for leaders there will be great commotion for policies will over rule policies bringing about a society of doom which is why the rate of corruption in politics is high, politics is a combination of many corrupt individual leaders coming together as one with each person having his own callous mission of greed.
Corruption is in every stage of life, take for instance in politics it is GREED and CALLOUSNESS, in private organisations it reflects as OPPRESSION by the superiors and among the benefactors JEALOUSY;
In homes we see ENVY, among friends ENEMITY ; Among citizens LAWLESSNESS and on and on
so you see what I mean by corruption is in everyone and for that reason why we as individuals have to take a thorough check at ourselves before pointing a finger, as those who live in glass houses do not throw stones.
When you preach against corruption portraying yourself as the only anti corrupt citizen, you should remember that stealing of public funds by our political leaders didn't just start in one day, this same politicians of today started this act from their homes as an adage in Yoruba says "ise Ile ni n ba ni dode" (the way you act in your homes is the same way you will react in public) but leaders expecially tend to cover their tracks forgetting that behaviour is like smoke and can only be concealed for a while and not permanently.
Therefore that leader in his private organisation's who neglects reality for  acting just to appear good on the cover of the books is only living a complicated life because some of us see beneath the covers and observe that you pretentious leaders are just as worse as the public leaders we keep abusing because what you preach is not what you are.
I am guilty of same actions and so are you so stop the black listing but rather focus on your wrongs. The first thing is having a conscience because only at that can you feel for others in decision making. Always remember that the world is not about you alone or who you are for the coin that favours you today will also favour another tomorrow so let's consider others before we pull the sword - WORD

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