Tuesday, 7 April 2015

He who has ears let them hear pt3

Hmmm I tire o! The kind of foolish risk some married women take; inviting their concubines into their matrimonial homes, na so the thing they do una wey una forget to use una brain? Aah I tire o!

Me I won't blame those concubines because when man don dey on the edge them no they get anything for head again, but you see that woman in question is my topic of concentration today:

In every relationship, be it good or bad I will put it on the woman because we have been given that wisdom to know when to start and when to stop, when to adjust and when to let go; That no matter how strong the man is we can still take charge of the affair like an adage in Yoruba says "gbogbo ete aiye yi owo obirin lo wa "(women know all the tricks to play) but many don't listen to their instincts due to religious beliefs or traditions as it may be! For every relationship the woman will always be blamed because she was created to take charge but some will blame it on love forgetting that love is not stupidity but bravery. That's why the woman instincts is there to direct her if only she can pay attention to it rather follow doctrines or the crowd which is where they get it wrong. Woman A has a different instinct from woman B so seeking advice from people will only complicate issues as our views can never be the same, only the woman in question can bail the situation.

Back to my topic why did you ever get married when you can't keep your concubines away? you can't eat your cake and still have it; women are meant to be carriers of the vessels and not ordinary vessels, agreed most men cheat but if you remember that you have the controls as a woman you shouldn't be intimidated by that, just like the world revolves same applies to our actions. it's just a simple fact that if you have ever dated a married man while single expect the same of your husband when you get married.  
If you then choose to be dumb because you now belief in some doctrines in quote instead of your instincts then you are just giving yourself unnecessary havoc. Just like gossip, if you like to listen to side talks you will hear the one that will destroy you eventually someday.
If when single you can't afford to keep your bed clean of the flocks of men giving you sugar tongued appreciation then you will have same challenge when married because you never dealt with it while single rather you ran to becoming a mrs like that will change your personality, forgetting that MRS is just an ordinary empty tittle. LOL
Have you ever thought why it's a big deal when a lady cheats than when a man does same? If that has any meaning to you, you will understand that women are the backbone of every relationships, which takes me back to my last write up that we can never be 2nd class citizens.
If a man is good its because he has a good woman behind him and if bad it's also because he has a woman who is bad, now this woman am talking about must not necessarily be his wife but in most cases the mother or sister of the man. Gbam!! You agree, you no agree let's reason it together as I await your comments here or via email at hewhohashears@gmail.com

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