Sunday, 5 April 2015

Catholic Nun stabs Student with needle in order to show him how Jesus suffered on the cross

A nun identified as Rev. Sister Ludovita, 30
stabbed a schoolboy in the hand with a needle to
show him how Jesus suffered.
The nun had been teaching at a school in the town
of Kysucke Nove Mesto in northern Slovakia when
she told unsuspecting pupil Adam Celko, 7, to
come to the front of the class.
She then took a needle out of her handbag and
rammed it into the boy’s hand in front of the
horrified class, telling him that this was how Jesus
suffered - and he would too if he behaved badly.
The boy’s outraged mum Helena, 30, said: "When
Adam got home he had a wound on the back of his
hand and when I asked him what had happened
he told me the nun had done it.
"I was completely shocked. I mean, what on earth
was she thinking?
Local priest Peter Holbicka said: "The Sister in
question has been removed from the school and I
shall be taking the matter up with her

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