
Wednesday, 17 February 2016


With grieve i pour out my heavy heart on hapnings in Africa with a focus on BOKO HARAM through this medium. In between my thoughts i began to question myself; WILL AFRICA EVER STAND IN ONE VOICE.....

My beloved brothers and sisters i will implore that the first issue affecting Africa is RELIGION. it's very very good to understand what we interprete. Be it islam, Christianity,  bhuddist, jew, traditionalist and so on.... call it any name the bottom line of all meditations is the supreme being GOD hence some religious leaders are going divers for selfish reasons .e.g. cheap popularity, competition, misuse of power etc.  I have one question for our religious leaders " if we have diverse voices how can we come together as one to fight this battle? " Where is the love that is being preached when we cannot tolerate each other without pointing fingers? We hate on each other ......

BOKO HARAM is united, that is why they keep penetrating, do not be misled to hate one another.
BOKO HARAM is more like a group using their beliefs wrongly to suit themselves, and the only tactics needed to defeat them is by coming together irrespective of your religion in one voice to fight.

Excuse me, I was opportuned to attend a conference where the issue of BOKO HARAM was discussed and how to eradicate this so called demonic evil, and I was shocked at religious leaders who said they are ready to make a change pointing accusing fingers at each other. We must first understand that BOKO HARAM is not a religious group but rather a group of psychophants who have been brainwashed due to their lack of education. It's only an illiterate that will accept and digest everything he is being taught without thinking about if it's a right thing to do or not, that's where EDUCATION comes in.

I have read and studied different religions to an extent, that I can relate with anybody Irrespective of our diversities because all I see is one body and one soul which is LOVE because united we stand and divided we fall.

It is not written in the Quran that people of other believes should be killed or called infidels neither in the Holy Bible will you find it stated that Christians should hate other religions.
We shouldn't push people away because they are inferior to us or not educated, but rather show them love and educate them on the right path. Try to understand where a person is coming from, his or her pains, experience and background rather than condemning because they don't belong to your ethnic group, religion or race. Love doesn't discriminate, don't let us wait till our negligence makes matters get out of hand. We should come together to fight evil. We have a lot to do internally than calling on western nations to come to our mercy because they have their own troubles too.

Initially BOKO HARAM started as a group of political rebel in the northern part of Nigeria but now it has become a big virus spreading and eating up the peace of Africa.  This situation calls for solutions because if we fail to act NOW due to our selfish reasons on tribalism, racism, religious fanatics,  and so on; it will affect our TOMMORROW.  

  Now Let's bring ourselves out of all those religious homes and see ourselves, as ONE to eradicate evil in our environment; then we can stand in one voice to stop the killings and violence from BOKO HARAM.

It's the voice of the people and not just the leaders so let's all start the move;  good governance starts from our homes, schools, environments, organizations,  etc. What we practice is what brings about good government. If you as a citizen don't care about your surroundings because you feel it's doesn't belong to you alone one day that surrounding you never cared for will become a terror and start hunting you and your household....

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